Blood sampling with a vein finder
Datam vein finder VNS6 model makes blood collection easier by determining the location of the patient’s veins and displaying the position of the veins on the patient’s skin.
The art of taking blood or vein finding in general

The nurses and basically the treatment staff are well trained in the art and science of finding the right vein for blood sampling. However, even for the most experienced nurses, there are situations where finding a vein becomes a major challenge.
For nurses, especially those caring for critically ill patients, taking blood samples is a critical nursing skill.
Patients who are old, obese, dark-skinned, and have a history of illness or taking certain medications are often classified as “bad blood vessels.” For these patients, even superficial veins may be difficult to find. And for hospitalized patients, blood sampling can be problematic.

VNS6 vein finder in blood sampling
Datam vein finder is a non-contact device. This system is designed to improve health services in the field of evaluating and finding a suitable vein on a patient with real-time vein mapping. This portable, easy-to-use device is proven to be suitable for inpatient and outpatient centers where blood draws are performed.