What is a vein finder?
If the veins are deep, small, or difficult to find, they are difficult to locate using conventional methods, making the blood test uncomfortable for the patient and nurse. A vein finder is a useful tool that allows you to reduce the risk of possible pre-analytical error, save time, and minimize pain during blood sampling or injection.
The advantages of detectors produced by datam
Using a vein finder to see a vein has several advantages:
Ease of use: It is generally simple and easy to use and only requires a quick tutorial to master.
They do not need to prepare or clean the skin.
Reducing time spent repeating efforts and avoiding inadvertent injury.
Cost savings by reducing material and labor costs.
Reduce patient discomfort, anxiety and fear, especially for pediatric patients, by reducing the number of attempts required to place an IV.
Reduce the risk of needle contamination and other side effects.
Improving the overall insurance experience

The best vein finder
There are different types of vein finder, but our collection has produced a device with the following specifications:
Image sensor: Used to take images of the vessels.
Processor: It is used to process the images captured by the image sensor.
Screen: The screen is used to display images of vessels.
DC power supply: used to power the injectable vessel detector.
Connectors and cables
When buying a vein finder, you should pay attention to the following:
Easy to use and sterile
The distance between the probe and the skin surface
The need for special conditions: the need for a dark environment (or vice versa), contact with the patient
Patient population: Datam vein finder is suitable for all skin types, whether dark or light.
Technologies: Choose the pathfinding technology that best suits your needs.
After-sales service: Choose a tracker from a reliable manufacturer that provides customer support and has all the legal licenses.
Designed for children, for pediatric patients, children. Adults at the same time to avoid repeated expenses.